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Eco-Schools' training 2024-2025

Eco-Schools’ training sessions are designed to provide practical advice, inspiration, and real-life examples to educators who want to support youth-led eco-action and increase environmental education in their setting.

Session 2 takes place during Spring Term, providing a chance to catch up before sharing advice on including environmental issues in your learning, expanding your activities into your local community, and celebrating your achievements.

Find out more and sign up to the Eco Schools training

Training opportunity: National Education Nature Parks

National Education Nature Parks have offered Warwickshire schools a brilliant training opportunity.

They will give you information on the programme, led by the Natural History Museum, offering ideas and resources on biodiversity, how to incorporate it into your lessons, how to increase your classes nature connections, support with Climate Action Plans and lots more!

If you would like to secure a space please complete the online form by 4 February 2025.

Sign up to the National Education Nature Parks training