Disability Equality
Advice for schools on planning inclusive visits
Warwickshire has signed up to the national manifesto for "Learning outside the Classroom" aspiring to:
- Provide all young people with a wide range of experiences outside the classroom, including extended school activities and one or more residential visits
- Offer high-quality learning experiences
- Enable schools to manage visits safely and efficiently.
Equality legislation sets out a clear expectation that disabled children and young people should be given the same opportunities to participate as their peers. The Local Authority would advise all schools and settings to plan their educational visits and learning outside the classroom opportunities on the basis of assuming that ALL pupils will be able to take part. For some children and young people with disabilities and additional needs the generic risk assessment for the activity will not be sufficient.
The LA has devised some planning checklists to help schools consider additional risks for these pupils. The checklists can be found in the Downloads and documents section on this page. It is important that schools and settings involve parents, the pupil and, if appropriate, specialist support staff, as early as possible in the planning process, particularly when a residential stay is involved.
Under the Equality Act, the school must make reasonable adjustments to ensure disabled pupils are not placed at a substantial disadvantage to their peers. This may include providing additional staffing and accessible transport or ensuring the venue is appropriate to the needs of the pupil concerned. The planning checklists should help highlight any reasonable adjustments needed.
If schools and settings feel there are significant health and safety concerns that they are unable to mitigate, they are advised to speak with staff in the Local Authority:
- Integrated Disability Service, tel: 01926 742347 or email janecarter@warwickshire.gov.uk
- Health and Safety, tel: 01926 414125