Health and safety documents for schools where Warwickshire County Council is the employer
Accident/incident reporting
You should only use the Accident Report form if you cannot access the online accident/incident recording system. Schools may use it as an internal school document to assist with inputting onto the on-line recording system
- Accident, Incident, Near Miss and Dangerous Occurrence Standard (PDF, 280 KB)
- Accident Incident Reporting Procedure (PDF, 723 KB)
- Accident Investigation Guidance (PDF, 252 KB)
- Accident Investigation Report Form (DOCX, 67 KB)
- Health and Safety Executive RIDDOR Information for Schools (PDF, 176 KB)
- Accident/Incident witness statement form (DOC, 77 KB)
- Asbestos Management Policy (PDF, 344 KB)
- Asbestos Management Procedures (PDF, 836 KB)
- Asbestos Management Checklist (PDF, 210 KB)
- Asbestos Atlas Web User Guide (PDF, 6.3 MB)
Contractors, visitors, CDM and construction
- Construction and Contractor Work Policy (PDF, 88 KB)
- Part 1 Construction Work (CDM 2015) Guidance (PDF, 152 KB)
- Part 2. Managing Contractor Work Guidance (PDF, 72 KB)
- Visitors and Contractors Leaflet - Cover - Schools (DOCX, 472 KB)
- Visitors and Contractors Leaflet - Content - Schools (DOCX, 46.3 KB)
Control of substances hazardous to health (COSHH)
- Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Standard (COSHH) (PDF, 386 KB)
- COSHH Risk Assessment Form (DOCX, 312 KB)
- COSHH Risk Assessment Guidance (PDF, 135 KB)
- Wood Pellet Guidance (PDF, 76 KB)
- COSHH training workbook (PDF, 1.8 MB)
Display screen equipment
- DSE Standard (PDF, 355 KB)
- DSE Quick Workstation Setup Guide (PDF, 398 KB)
- DSE eLearning Hard Copy (PDF, 1.6 MB)
- DSE Self Assessment Form (DOCX, 180 KB)
- DSE Assessment Referral Form (DOCX, 179 KB)
- Stretching Exercise sheet (PDF, 826 KB)
- Guide to adjusting the Cambridge Chair (PDF, 139 KB)
- Using Mobile Technology (PDF, 234 KB)
- Display screen equipment (DSE) training and assessment: the essentials (PDF, 36 KB)
- Recommended Product List (PDF, 381 KB)
- Eye Voucher Request Form (PDF, 881 KB)
Driving at work
- Driving at Work Standard (PDF, 841 KB)
- Driving at Work Training Workbook (PDF, 1.4 MB)
- Vehicle Document Record Form Fleet Vehicle and Own Vehicle hard copy (DOC, 291 KB)
- Risk Assessment Form (DOCX, 184 KB)
- How to Share Your Driving Licence (PDF, 94 KB)
- Use of Minibuses on WCC Business Guide (PDF, 615 KB)
- Transporting Children, Young People, and Adult Customers Safely Guide (PDF, 86 KB)
Fire and emergency advice and support for schools
In November 2019, the Department for Education released a suite of documents to assist schools with planning for emergencies and business continuity issues. They can be accessed via the link below:
GOV.UK - Guidance on school and college security
The Coventry, Solihull and Warwickshire Council's Resilience Team have also created some supporting documents to assist in local planning arrangements which can be accessed without the need for a password or registration.
- Annual Fire Safety Briefing for Employees (PDF, 49.7 KB)
- Building Emergency Evacuation Plan (BEEP) (PDF, 72 KB)
- BEEP template (DOCX, 30KB)
- Fire Safety Management Policy (PDF, 344 KB)
- Fire Safety Training Confirmation Form (DOCX, 82 KB)
- Fire Safety Training Hardcopy (PDF, 1.9 MB)
- Fire Wardens Duties (PDF, 52 KB)
- Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan (PEEP) (PDF, 414 KB)
- PEEP template (DOCX, 40.6 KB)
- Fire Safety management arrangements (PDF, 395 KB)
First aid
- First Aid in the workplace and Covid-19 Guidance (PDF, 225 KB)
- First Aid at Work Policy (PDF, 99 KB)
- First Aid Needs Assessment (DOC, 1.0 MB)
- First Aid Training Pre-Enrolment Form (DOC, 75 KB)
- First Aid Sign Template (DOC, 64 KB)
- First Aid Treatment Form (DOC, 110 KB)
- HSE guidance basic advice on first aid at work (PDF, 127 KB)
- Automated External Defibrillators (AED) (PDF, 172 KB)
- DfE Guidance for Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs)
Goalpost safety
Health and Safety policy, standards and arrangements.
- Health and Safety Statement of Intent and Roles and Responsibilities (PDF, 463 KB)
- Workplace Health and Safety Concerns Procedure (PDF, 135 KB)
- Health and Safety Standards for Schools 2019 (PDF, 459 KB)
- Health & Safety Policy Arrangements Template (DOC, 193 KB)
- Health and Safety Action Plan Template (DOCX, 423 KB)
- Corporate health, safety and wellbeing eLearning induction (PDF, 1.3 MB)
- Health & Safety Induction Checklist (DOC, 835 KB)
Infection prevention and control
- Infection Prevention and Control Policy (PDF, 78 KB)
- Standard infection control precautions (PDF, 292 KB)
- Hand Protection Guide (PDF, 429 KB)
Legionella and water hygiene
Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment (LOLER)
Manual handling and people handling
- Manual Handling Policy (PDF, 294 KB)
- Manual Handling of Loads Risk Assessment (PDF, 168KB)
- Guidance for the Moving and Handling of People (PDF, 380 KB)
- Moving and handling reviews criteria (PDF, 92KB)
- Manual Handling Children Handling Risk Assessment and Plans (DOC, 266 KB)
- Back Pain Sustained out of the Workplace Leaflet (PDF, 435 KB)
New and expectant mothers
- New and Expectant Mothers at Work Guidance for Managers (PDF, 168 KB)
- New and Expectant Mothers - Initial Risk Assessment (DOC, 232 KB)
- New and Expectant Mothers Detailed and Specific Risk Assessment (DOC, 105 KB)
Outdoor play equipment
Occupational health - maintained schools only
Personal safety and lone working
- Personal Safety and Lone Worker Training Workbook (PDF, 2.2 MB)
- Personal Safety Policy (PDF, 232 KB)
- Personal Safety Lone Worker Guide (PDF, 188 KB)
- Personal Safety Managing Violence and Aggression Guide (PDF, 34 KB)
- Personal Safety Travel Guide (PDF, 35 KB)
- Personal Safety Working in Homes Guide (PDF, 22 KB)
- Personal Safety Reception and Interview Rooms Guide (PDF, 28 KB)
Public events
Powered gates and doors
- Electrically Powered Gates and Doors Guidance (PDF, 61 KB)
- Electrically Powered Gates and Doors example manual (PDF, 20.3 MB)
- Risk Assessment Example - Powered Gates and Doors (PDF, 91 KB)
Risk assessment
- Risk assessment standard (PDF, 252 KB)
- Risk Assessment How to Guide (PDF, 1.1 MB)
- Risk Assessment Form (DOCX, PDF, 96 KB)
- Mind Mapping Form (DOCX, 251 KB)
Slips, trips and falls guidance
- Don't Slip Up, Headteacher Pack (PDF, 121 KB)
- Slips, Trips and Falls Summary for Headteachers, teachers and support staff (PDF, 148 KB)
- Slips, Trips and Falls Summary for Site Managers, Premise Managers (PDF, 96 KB)
- Slips, Trips and Falls Summary for Cleaners and Caretakers (PDF, 146 KB)
- Slips, Trips and Falls Summary for Lunchtime Supervisors and Dining Rooms (PDF, 95 KB)
Swimming - The LA health and safety guidance and information for swimming activities are contained within the Health and Safety Standards for Maintained Schools document and within the current edition of ‘Safe Practice in Physical Education and Sport’ published by the Association for Physical Education (afPE).
- Health and Safety Training Schedule 2024/25 (PDF, 136 KB)
- Corporate HSW Training Confirmation (DOCX, 82 KB)
- School training matrix template (XLS, 615KB)
Your wellbeing
- Managing Resilience Stress and Wellbeing Policy (PDF, 146 KB)
- Return to Work discussion aid (DOC, 933 KB)
- Stress-Busting Tips (PDF, 409 KB)
- Menopause - A Guide for Managers and Staff (PDF, 205 KB)
- Let’s Talk About Menopause (DOCX, 206 KB)
- Guidance On The Menopause and The Workplace (PDF, 623 KB)
- Health and Work Menopause Focus (PDF, 287 KB)
- TUC - The menopause in the workplace
- NHS - Menopause Guidance
- Resilience and Brilliance - Menopause: A Health and Wellbeing Issue for Organisations
- Individual Wellness Plans (DOCX, 54 KB)
- Team Wellness Plans (DOCX, 52 KB)
- Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) (PDF, 281 KB)
Window restrictors
Work at height
- Working at Height Standard Hard Copy (PDF, 369 KB)
- Ladder and Stepladder Inspection Checklist (DOC, 1.0 MB)
Work experience and young people
- Work Experience Guidance for Schools (PDF, 330 KB)
- Managers Guide to Work Experience Placements (PDF, 251 KB)
- Work Experience Induction Checklist (DOCX, 42 KB)
Workplace inspection
- Health and Safety Workplace Inspection Policy (PDF, 388 KB)
- Health and Safety Workplace Inspection Template Form (DOC, 270 KB)
- Finger Trap Risk Assessment Checklist (DOCX, 43 KB)
- Finger Guard Guidance (PDF, 86KB)