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If you have a child safeguarding concern

Urgent concerns

If you have an urgent child safeguarding concern call 01926 414144.

Lines are open from:

  • Monday to Thursday: 8.30am to 5.30pm
  • Friday: 8.30am to 5pm

You will then need to complete and return a Multi-Agency Referral Form (MARF) and send it to

As of Wednesday 24 October 2018, the MASH GCSX Mailbox will no longer be in use. A new email account has been set up for encrypted emails, please use for all future correspondence from this date.

Out of hours

If you need to get in touch out of the usual office hours, contact the Emergency Duty Team immediately on 01926 886922

Emergency contact

If you think that a child is at immediate risk, contact the police immediately on 999.

Non-urgent concerns

If you have a non-urgent child safeguarding concern you will need to complete the Multi-Agency Referral Form (MARF) and send it to

As of 24 October 2018, the MASH GCSX Mailbox will no longer be in use. A new email account has been set up for encrypted emails, please use for all future correspondence from this date.

Service Development and Quality Assurance (Children's) Team