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Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) support

Who are we? 

Birth to five is a key time in a child's physical, emotional and social growth and development. Different children will develop skills at different times. Warwickshire midwives, health visitors and community GPs help and support families through these developmental ages and stages checks. 

Warwickshire's SEND local offer 

Warwickshire's SEND local offer brings together information about the local services and support available across education, health and social care for families with children and young people aged 0-25, who have special education needs and/or disabilities. 

SEND Information, Advice and Support services (SENDIAS)

Warwickshire SENDIAS supports disabled children and young people, and those with SEN from birth to 25, and their parents. 

The Integrated Disability Service (IDS)

This specialist education service works in partnership with families and other professionals to provide a range of services to support children with SEND at home, in early years settings and schools. One contact opens the door to a range of different teams including the IDS 0-5 service, using a 0-5 SEND SPA (Single Point of Access) form:

  • Birth to 3 home learning and portage
  • SEND childcare for children accessing childcare, including childminders
  • Specialist teachers for children accessing nursery and transitioning into school
  • Warwickshire Preschool Autism Service, a partnership with colleagues in health, who assess children considering a diagnosis of autism. 

Winks kitemark logoWIncKS (Warwickshire Inclusion Kite-marking Scheme)

WIncKS is an annual award, which can be presented to an Early Years setting for demonstrating excellent inclusive practice.