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School grounds

Waste Education

The Waste Project Team are able to offer Warwickshire schools assemblies and workshops on rubbish, recycling and composting.

Find out about more from the Eco Schools about how schools can be involved in this topic area within their participation in the Eco Schools Programme here.  

Eco Schools - School Grounds

Additional resources

Learning through landscapes logoNatural Nations offers schools the opportunity to take surveys encouraging ways to boost biodiversity across school grounds.

​Natural Nations - Surveys

Free trees and planting advice for schools

Free Trees for Schools and Communities - Woodland Trust

Grant funding to support tree, hedgerow and orchard establishment.

Grant funding to support tree, hedgerow and orchard establishment (

The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) has produced a new School Sustainability Guide (PDF, 11.3 MB) which gives loads of tips on how to take action for climate, nature and sustainability in your school.


Eco Schools logo

Find out more about the benefits of participating in the Eco-Schools programme
