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Prevent Training for Designated Safeguarding Leads - 15 June 2023 - Schools training catalogue

Facilitated by WCC - Safeguarding Team
Course length 3 hours


Location Virtual
Cost Free to Designated Safeguarding Leads
Course outcomes

The session will provide a comprehensive guide to current threat and risks around radicalisation, tailored specifically to assist DSLs address the practical issues surrounding the Prevent Duty. It includes the use of newly developed case studies, drawn from recent local experiences, to deepen understanding of the issues involved in radicalisation and the possible responses to help safeguard children and young people.   Jointly delivered by the Warwickshire Prevent Co-ordinator Geoff Thomas who is also available for professional consultation on 01926 412016 or 07428 695020, email

How to book

Booking instructions on the Warwickshire Safeguarding website