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Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education (SACRE)

Education resources: Useful Resources and updates

Useful resources

Some of the documents in this section are password-protected. To obtain the password for opening the documents, please contact Stephen Height (Education Services) on 01926 745100.

Guidance for RE Subject Leaders

Guidance for RE Visits and Visitors

Census 2021

Religion Dos and Don'ts

SACRE Worldviews Resources

End of Key Stage Outcomes: Disciplinary and Personal Knowledge

This overview and the associated documents support you in recognising where pupils gain disciplinary knowledge with regards to the end-of-key-stage-outcomes from the Coventry and Warwickshire Agreed Syllabus. It always explores the personal knowledge pupils bring to their learning at each stage. This links with the ‘types of knowledge’ outlined in the recent Ofsted RE Research Report (May 2021).

Personal Knowledge Reflection Journals

These are for use with pupils and are also linked with the end-of-key-stage outcomes in the Coventry and Warwickshire Agreed Syllabus. They will support pupils in considering their own worldview, where their ideas and beliefs come from and metacognition for RE learning. They also pose questions for reflection linked with the end-of-key-stage outcomes for each key stage.

RE Pedagogies CPD for RE Subject Leaders

Resources on Religion and Climate Change courtesy of Rugby Inter-Faith Forum

New To RE Subject Leadership - July 2019

(with reference to Ofsted Framework)

Anti-racist RE Resources

Religious Community Covid Pandemic Responses Resources

Dual Coding in RE

Retrieval Practice in RE

RE Updates for Secondary Schools

RE Bulletins

These bulletins are password-protected. To obtain the password for opening the bulletins, please contact Stephen Height (Education Services) on 01926 745100.