Warwickshire outdoor education network
A hub for those interested in outdoor education in Warwickshire
These pages are for anyone delivering outdoor education in Warwickshire. Please also help out other users of this site by sharing places to visit, useful resources, or any other information. This can be done by using ‘Contribute’, which is linked below.
We hope you find something useful on these pages. Please use the ‘tell us what you think’ form if you would like to get in touch.
You can now view our Outdoor Education and Learning Strategy.
Outdoor Education and Learning Strategy 2022 (PDF, 4.4MB)
Training opportunity: National Education Nature Parks
National Education Nature Parks have offered Warwickshire schools a brilliant training opportunity.
They will give you information on the programme, led by the Natural History Museum, offering ideas and resources on biodiversity, how to incorporate it into your lessons, how to increase your classes nature connections, support with Climate Action Plans and lots more!
If you would like to secure a space please complete the following online form by 4 February 2025:
National Education Nature Parks training (MS Forms)
Subscribe to our newsletter!
Sign up to our newsletter to keep in the loop about all of our upcoming training events and webinars.
Newsletters are sent out termly and contain lots of useful information for anyone interested in outdoor education in Warwickshire. Just click subscribe below to keep up-to-date.