Learning and development
Assessment is essential for effective practice and is integral to building a picture of a child’s development, interests and learning style. This then leads to helping professionals, practitioners, parents and/or carers to build an effective curriculum for the child.
Assessment champions
The EYFS Statutory Framework (PDF, 483 KB) includes changes to statutory assessment arrangements and refreshed guidance on the broad principles of formative assessment, within the context of the new EYFS Reforms. A team of Assessment Champions, linked to each of the fourteen Early Years Aspiration Networks (EYANs) across the county, support settings and schools to:
- ensure statutory and non-statutory assessment is understood by everyone
- support practitioners in developing their approaches to assessment, building a shared understanding of best practice, across the birth to 5 age range, inclusive of all settings
- reconnect practitioners in schools and settings, building on existing strengths and developing new, supportive professional relationships.
2-2.5 Year Integrated Review
The integrated review brings together the progress check at age 2 completed by early years providers and the 27 month development check completed by the health visiting team. By working together and in partnership with parents/carers, early years providers and the health visiting team can work together to support effective outcomes for children, putting the right support in place for children who may need it.
Please see the Warwickshire 2 - 2.5 year Integrated Review toolkit for our integrated approach:
2 - 2.5 Year Integrated Review toolkit (PDF, 240 KB)
2 - 2.5 Year Integrated Review - FAQs for Early Years Settings (PDF, 280 KB)
The progress check at age 2
When a child is aged between two and three, the key person in the early years setting must review a child's progress and provide parents and/or carers with a short-written summary of their child’s development in the prime areas.
Further information on the progress check at age two can be found on page 19 in the EYFS Statutory Framework (PDF, 483 KB), and guidance for practioners has been provided.
Reception baseline
The Reception Baseline Assessment (RBA) became statutory in schools in September 2021. This assessment should take place in the first six week of the child starting reception.
Information for teachers is available online (PDF, 550 KB).
Early Years Foundation Stage profile
This assessment takes place in the final term of the year the child turns five. The profile should provide parents and/or carers, practitioners, and teachers with information on the child’s level of development, knowledge and understanding. Each child’s level of development it measured against the early leaning goals set out with the EYFS.