Learning and development
Children experience a verity of different transitions throughout their early years all the way to adulthood. Preparing and supporting children for transitions is essential for giving them the tools for dealing with change and coping with new experiences.
Information and resources
One-minute guide
Transition put simply means a change which may have an impact on a child. This might be a big shift in their life – like going to pre-school for the first time, or maybe a small daily change – like moving from a childminder to a playgroup.
This one-minute guide has been designed to support and guide Early Years Settings, Schools, and Childminders in developing their practise and provision to ensure children continue to learn and develop well through periods of transition.
A one-minute guide to transitions in early years (PDF, 264 KB)
File Transfer Record and Receipt
When sharing information and transferring records between schools and settings it is good practise to use a File Transfer Record and Receipt. When records are handed over both parties should sign the receipt at points of transfer, this will help to ensure accountability on both parties. A copy of this form should then be made and retained by both parties. You may find the following document helpful to support your process of transition.
File transport record and receipt (PDF, 132 KB)
Learner Information Form
Whilst the use of this form is not compulsory it has been designed to ensure a consistent approach to the sharing of information at points of transition. We recognise that many providers may already have their own forms to support transition. However you may wish to review your existing forms against the sections of the learner information form to ensure that the relevant information relating to SEND, Safeguarding, and Learning and Development is included, and that important information is not missed in the transitional process of sharing information.
Learner Information Form - LIF (PDF, 194 KB)
Ready for school - guide for parents and professionals
The following document is a guide for parents and professionals. You may wish to use this guidance to provide a general overview of strategies that may be used to support growth and development and transition, support for each child should be responsive to their needs.
'On our way to school' - guide for parents and professionals (PDF, 464 KB)
There is also further information on transitions available on the Warwickshire County Council website: