Warwickshire outdoor education network
A hub for those interested in outdoor education in Warwickshire
These pages are for anyone delivering outdoor education in Warwickshire. Please also help out other users of this site by sharing places to visit, useful resources, or any other information. This can be done by using ‘Contribute’, which is linked below.
We hope you find something useful on these pages. Please use the ‘tell us what you think’ form if you would like to get in touch.
You can now view our Outdoor Education and Learning Strategy.
Outdoor Education and Learning Strategy 2022 (PDF, 4.4MB)
Training opportunity: How to Create a DfE-Ready Climate Action Plan with Let’s Go Zero
New Training Date: 02/04/25 at 4:15 PM
Who should attend: School Sustainability Leads, Heads, Business Managers, Estate Managers
Why is it important: The Department for Education (DfE) expects all educational settings to have a Climate Action Plan by the end of 2025. This session delivered by Sarah Mills, Let's Go Zero, is crucial for all educational settings. It will help kickstart your climate action planning. Schools no longer need to complete the Count Your Carbon (CYC) spreadsheet to attend, but doing so will make the training more relevant. Please contact sarah.mills@letsgozero.org. for information about the CYC spreadsheet.
Complete this short form to attend the training, and we will send the Teams Meeting invite.
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